Invisalign is an innovative teeth straighteningmethod. It uses a set of clear removable retainers to straighten your smile.You will also have the option to remove the aligners when needed, like wheneating or brushing. It is a very convenient alternative to traditional braces.But when should you prioritise getting invisalign treatment in Borehamwood?There are some common problems that the Invisalign treatment can help treat.
Some dental issues thatthe invisalign treatment can help treat
Here are some issues why you should consider thesetreatments.
Gapped teeth
Gaps in your teeth can occur from abnormal growth ofthe jawbone. Often, if a neighbouring tooth is missing, the remaining teeth canshift and cause the gapped teeth. Invisalign treatment is very effective forgapped teeth.
Transparent aligners
If you want to keep your smile transformationincognito, invisalign is a much better option than traditional metal braces.The transparent aligners in invisalign treatment do not attract attention.
Oral hygiene-relatedissues
A common problem with traditional metal braces isthat the food particles get trapped inside them all too often. With invisalign,you can remove the aligners when you eat. This way, you can maintain a muchbetter oral hygiene. It also does not require more than a single brushing andflossing throughout the day.
The lower jaw may often protrude, and there could beinsufficient growth in the upper jaw. An underbite is known to reduce theefficiency and function of your front teeth, causing you pain in your jaw. Thedentist often recommends invisalign to treat this issue.
In an overbite, your upper jaw protrudes ahead ofthe lower jaw. It can often give rise to gum problems and joint problems.Invisalign is an effective treatment for this issue as well.
If you want to explore tooth straightening with invisalign in Borehamwood, get in touch with CornerHouse Dental Care today. Ourexperienced dentist will assess your condition and help you decide whetherinvisalign is the right treatment for you.