Unless you plan to survive on a liquid diet, trapped foodissues are inevitable in your everyday life. At times the trapped food staysfor a long time unknowingly. It is impossible to brush your teeth every timeyou eat. The situation of food particles getting trapped in between teeth isnatural. Many people think that it will get washed away over some time.Brushing and losing will remove debris; however, a few parts might remain stuckbetween the teeth and gums.
Some people have teeth that are prone to trapped food. Forinstance, people with crooked teeth or loose space between teeth will face thisissue. However, the consequences of trapped food are negative. Contact a professional dental practice in Bushey for the proper treatment.
The most obvious problem is tooth decay. This occurs whentrapped food is left for a long time. These food particles cause bacteria toform within the mouth. Bacteria produce acid, which causes tooth decay. Overtime, this acid damages the enamel and exposes the dentin layer of the tooth.You’ll start experiencing toothaches. Book your appointment with a dentist forquick check-ups.
Usually, this bacteria enters the root canals and infects thepulp area. Under such circumstances, you need to undergo the root canal processand have the teeth removed. This leads to symptoms like sore, inflamed gums,periodontitis, and bleeding from the gums.
Brushing is the easiest and most obvious way to reduce thenegative effects of trapped food between teeth. However, if this is apersisting problem, consult with the dentist. They will guide you on the typeof brush suitable for removing the food particles. Also, practice flossingtwice a day for complete clearance.
Remember, do not use worn bristles, which are ineffective atremoving food debris and bacteria. Another useful trick is to swill water inand around the mouth after every meal. If you visit a dentist, they willsuggest you undergo a scale and polish treatment to complete cleaning.
Book appointments with professional dentists for bettersuggestions. They will check the condition of the teeth and provide tips onproper home care. Patients with crooked teeth must be fixed as soon as possibleto avoid long-term negative consequences.
Call Cornerhouse Dental Care and make your appointment now. Ourteam of professional and experienced dentists will help you in every situation.