Impact of Poor Oral Hygiene on Oral Cancer

Has it been a long time since you’ve visited the dentist? Then,it is time to book an oral health checkup appointment. Even if there are nopersistent problems in your teeth, you must schedule appointments occasionallyto ensure that your gums, roots, and teeth are in good condition.


Dental practices in Bushey can provide proper guidance on oralhygiene, which is essential to avoid issues like oral cancer.

What is oral cancer?

Oral cancer occurs when the cells inside the mouth startgrowing and spreading abnormally without dying. The cancer cells generallydamage the other healthy cells inside the mouth, causing the tissues to getdamaged. A person suffering from oral cancer will have problems with the teeth,cheeks, gums, and tongue. In other cases, if the spread of the cancer cells isfound near the throat, then it can completely damage the vocal cord as well.The cells might also grow in the tonsils and upper and lower throat areas.

What are the symptoms of oral cancer?

Some of the common symptoms of oral cancer include:


●    Chronic pain in the gums and teeth

●    Pain in the jawline

●    Unexpected loose teeth

●    Red and white patches on the teeth

●    Bad breath issues

●    problems of swallowing and chewing food for a long time

●    A lump formed in the throat area

How does bad oral hygiene increase the chancesof oral cancer?

Poor oral hygiene is associated with high risks of oral cancer,especially for people chewing tobacco. Moreover, dentists generally advisebrushing twice a day with normal toothpaste. You should also schedule regulardental checkups and never ignore signs like bad breath, gum pains, and teethpains.


Moreover, high consumption of alcohol also contributes to oralcancer issues. Hence, following a healthy, balanced diet is essential to avoidsuch issues.

How to recover from oral cancer?

Most dentists prefer to remove cancerous cells through surgery.Chemotherapy is also used to kill cancerous cells. However, there’s a highprobability that these cells will come back. A few medicines are alsoprescribed to keep immunity high and to reduce the growth of cancerous cells.


For professional and expert advice on oral cancer and dentalhygiene practice, contact experienced dentists at Cornerhouse Dental Care. Ourteam of experienced dentists can help you with proper advice.  



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