Problems with teeth alignment are often ignored. However,crooked teeth can get you into trouble. Protruding, crowding or gaps in theteeth are major matters of concern. It hampers the chewing process and lowersthe confidence of the individual. Hence, misalignment is not a problem that youshould avoid. Rather, book your appointment with a professional dentist forremedies.
If you’re facing such alignment and positional issues,invisalign is your only feasible option. For invisalign in Borehamwood, get intouch with experienced dentists offering proper orthodontic treatment.
However, many patients ignore it once the invisalign has beenfitted to the teeth. You need to take proper care of the aligners to flaunt astraightened smile.
If you want your teeth back in position, wear aligners.Dentists recommend wearing them for more than 22 hours a day. They arecomfortable, and wearing them will not be a problem. Moreover, you can wearthem to bed without fearing any oral risks.
The only time you should take your aligners out is when you’redrinking coffee or brushing your teeth. Caffeine can stain the aligners, andbrushing will bother their positions. Hence, taking them out during suchpractices is essential.
If you want a positive outcome within two weeks, you need tochange the aligners. Swapping them at an interval of two weeks will help youachieve the desired result. However, there are a few aligners that the dentistinstructs you to wear for a year or more. For such aligners, you do not need tochange. When you first start wearing your aligners, you need to follow theinstructions given by the dentist.
The first time, the aligner might feel tight on your teeth.However, as you keep on wearing it, it will become smooth and loose as well.You can try changing the aligners at night to adjust to the new pair while yousleep.
The aligners are generally customised according to the shape ofthe teeth. Hence, the dentist generally instructs the patients to wear them24/7. However, whenever you remove the aligners, clean them in the solution andwear them. This is a hygienic practice and keeps the aligners in goodcondition.
For the best quality Invisalign, book an appointment withCornerhouse Dental Care. Our aim is to provide the highest-quality dentaltreatments and preventive techniques for optimum oral health care.